Enquiry 0471-2512524
Enquiry (MLAs' Hostel) 0471-2512261
Officers under the Right to
Information Act,2005
(EPABX Numbers can be
contacted from outside by prefixing
DR. N. Krishna Kumar Secretary |
0471-2305834 (Fax-0471- |
3006 2002 3019 |
0471-2512156, 2512157 9495007917, 9846115326 |
Room No. 510, I Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. Shaji C Baby |
0471-2305398 | 2194 |
9446012512 |
Room No. 834, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. K.G Thrideep,
Additional Secretary I Committee on the Welfare of Women, Transgenders, Children & Differently Abled Committee on Fishermen |
0471-2304710 | 2193 |
7736022917 |
Room No. 835, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri M.S. Vijayan , Additional Secretary II Table, Committee on Papers Laid on Table, Niyamasabha Press |
0471-2307635 | 2010 |
9446320884 |
Room No. 521, I Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. P. Hari Additional Secretary III Executive Director (K-Lamps) |
0471-251984 | 2190 |
8714815308 |
Room No. 836, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Shabana Anjum, Additional Secretary IV Services |
0471-2305612 | 2423 |
9446578632 |
Room No. D-104, I Floor, Admin. Building |
Smt. V.R. Rejani, Joint Secretary I Committee on Environment, House Keeping, Subject Committee D(9 & 14) |
0471-2512325 | 2325 |
6238449409 |
Room No. 806, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. Unnikrishnan G.P, Joint Secretary II/Director K-LAMPS (Parliamentary Studies & Media), Museum |
0471-2302442 | 2192 |
9446329048 |
Room No. 801, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. Santhakumar. S, Joint Secretary III/Finance Officer |
0471-2512450 | 2450 |
9446179684 |
Room No. 105, I Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. Venugopal. R, Joint Secretary IV Committee on Public Undertakings, Senior Citizens,Subject Committee B(2 & 4) |
0471-2302389 | 2588 |
9497676455 |
Room No.202, II Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. V.G. Riju Joint Secretary V Legislation, Data Resources Development , Private Members' Bill and Resolutions |
0471-2305813 |
2191 |
9447000011 |
Room No. 830, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. S. Sunil Kumar, Joint Secretary VI/ Estate Officer |
0471-2302189 | 2206 |
9447564884, 9061088084 |
Room No.6, Ground Floor, Nila Block, MLA Hostel |
Shri. A. Jafar Khan, Joint Secretary VII Committee on Petitions, YAC, Subject Committee G(11 &13) |
0471-2308881 | 2661 |
9995898106 |
Room No. 205, II Floor, Admin. Building |
Shri P.S. Selvarajan Joint Secretary VIII Committee on Public Accounts, Subject Committee F( 10 &12), Internal Audit |
0471-2307930 | 2645 |
6282563390 |
Room No. 815, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Deepa R Krishnan, Joint Secretary IX Committee on SCST, Official Language, OBC |
0471-2512644 | 2644 |
9447246200 |
Room No. 305, III Floor, Admin. Building |
Shri. R. S. Santhosh Kumar Joint Secretary X Estimates, Press Relations, Reception, Accounts Subject Committee A(3 & 5) |
0471-2304930 | 2498 |
9447012079 |
Room No. 805, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Jyothi L., Joint Secretary XI Question, Research, Protocol, CAD |
0471-2308260 | 2195 |
9446090740 |
Room No. 829, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Sudarshana. K, Joint Secretary XII Committee on NORKA, Subordinate Legislation, Subject Committee E(6 & 8) |
0471-2512643 | 2643 |
9496229643 |
Room No. 201, II Floor, Admin Building |
Smt. Jayasree. M, Joint Secretary XIII Information Technology, e-Niyamasabha |
0471-2512401 | 2401 |
9446017759 |
Room No. D-408, IV Floor, Admin. Building |
Smt. Sheena Sivadas, Deputy Secretary Committee on Local Fund Accounts, Subject Committee C(1 & 7) |
0471-2512159 | 2159 |
9446020590 |
Room No 416, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Sheeba Varghese Deputy Secretary Legislation ,Data Resources Development ,PMBR |
0471-2512133 | 2133 |
9446122660 |
Room No. 408, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Bindu S. L. Deputy Secretary Joint Director K-LAMPS (Parliamentary Studies) |
0471-2512397 | 2397 |
9497260906 |
Room No. 738, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Reena. V. R., Deputy Secretary Table, Committee on Papers Laid on Table |
0471-2512012 | 2012 |
9446044047 |
Room No. 416, Ground Floor , Assembly Building |
Smt. Lali. V.S.,
Deputy Secretary Committee on the Welfare of Women, Transgenders, Children & Differently Abled, Committee on the Welfare of Fishermen & Allied Workers |
0471-2512432 | 2432 |
9497700230 |
Room No.27, II Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. R. Shaji Deputy Secretary Committee on Estimates |
0471-2512164 | 2164 |
9497015937 |
Room No.23, I Floor, Admin. Building |
Smt. D. O. Reji., Deputy Secretary Joint Director K-Lamps (Media) |
0471-2512568 | 2568 |
8281478886 |
Room No. 833, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. N.G. Deepa., Deputy Secretary Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes |
0471-2512610 | 2610 |
9400923665 |
Room No.14, I Floor, Admin. Building |
Smt. Chitra K.I. Deputy Secretary Accounts |
0471-2512409 | 2409 |
9446333175 |
Room No.22, I Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. M.S. Sreekumar, Deputy Secretary/Research Officer |
0471-2512015 | 2015 |
9446910076 |
Room No.404, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. D. Prasad, Deputy Secretary MLA Hostel |
0471-2512212 | 2212 |
9446074118 |
Room No.28-A, I Floor, Nila Block, MLA Hostel |
Shri. Jomy K. Joseph, Deputy Secretary Committee on Public Accounts |
0471-2512451 | 2451 |
7356831753 |
Room No. E-54, III Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. Jayakumar G., Deputy Secretary Committee on Subordinate Legislation, Committee on the Welfare of Non-Resident Keralites |
0471-2512489 | 2489 |
9447140869 |
Room No. 44, III Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. Abdul Nasar M., Deputy Secretary IT Section & E-Niyamasabha |
0471-2512470 | 2470 |
9946688980 |
Room No.68 A, IV Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. Vijay Amrtharaj. A, Deputy Secretary Committee on Petition |
0471-2512431 | 2431 |
9496644063 |
Room No.28, II Floor, Admin. Building |
Shri. Harisankar P. Deputy Secretary House Keeping, Committee on Environment, Subject Committee D(9 &14) |
0471-2512485 | 2485 |
9446013232 |
Room No. 38 A, II Floor, Admin. Building |
Shri. Anil Kumar B. Deputy Secretary Committee on Public Undertakings, Subject Committee B(2 & 4), Committee on Senior Citizen |
0471-2512424 | 2424 |
9446340912 |
Room No. 37, II Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. Dinesh Kumar. K Deputy Secretary CAD Cell |
0471-2512459 | 2459 |
9605354784 |
Room No. D 208, 2nd Floor, Administrative Building |
Shri. Deepak. S. V Deputy Secretary Services |
0471-2512402 | 2402 |
9946551091 |
Room No.B12, I Floor, Administrative Building |
Shri. Vijesh. T Under Secretary (HG) Question |
0471-2512018 | 2018 |
9567206465 |
Room No. 403 D, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. Sajeevan. P. K Under Secretary (HG) Services |
0471-2512404 | 2404 |
8921995017 |
Room No. B 16, I Floor, Admin Building |
Smt. Bindu. S Under Secretary (HG) Petition C, Committee on the Welfare of Youth and Youth Affairs |
0471-2512430 | 2430 |
9446068837 |
Room No. B-30, II Floor, Admin Building |
Smt. Sindhu. T. G Under Secretary (HG) House Keeping |
0471-2512515 | 2515 |
9447790692 |
Room no. 402, Fourth Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. Suresan. C Under Secretary (HG) Office of the Secretary |
0471-2513006 | 3006 |
8075442163 |
Room No. 509, I Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Ambily. P Under Secretary (HG) Committee on the Welfare of Fishermen & Allied Workers & Committee on the Welfare of Women, Transgenders, Children & Differently Abled |
0471-2512481 | 2481 |
9496746763 |
Room No.47-B, III Floor, Admin. Building |
Smt. Preetha. K Under Secretary (HG) Accounts II |
0471-2512407 | 2407 |
9496747889 |
Room No. 19, I floor Admin Building |
Smt. Beena. O. M Under Secretary (HG) Public Accounts Committee |
0471-2512456 | 2456 |
9495310810 |
Room No. 32, II Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. M S. Anvar Sulthan Under Secretary (HG) Printing Press |
0471-2512595 | 2595 |
8281217541 |
CC-55, Assembly Building |
Shri. Binu. V. A Under Secretary (HG) Local Fund Accounts Committee |
0471-2512452 | 2452 |
6282390838 |
Room No.728, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Pushpalatha. V. C Under Secretary (HG) Deputy Director K-LAMPS (Parliamentary Studies) |
0471-2512670 | 2670 |
9446147188 |
Room No.728, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Mable Antony Under Secretary (HG) Deputy Director K-Lamps (Accounts) |
0471-2512650 | 2650 |
9946839885 |
Room No. 831, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Shamy. J Under Secretary (HG) Subject Committee E(6 & 8), Subordinate Legislation |
0471-2512405 | 2405 |
9895864805 |
Room No. 17, I Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. Abbas. P Under Secretary (HG) Data Resources Development |
0471-2512353 | 2353 |
8848787706 |
Room No. 728, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. K. S. Kiran Bose., Under Secretary (HG) Committee on Local Fund Accounts, Subject Committee C(1 & 7) |
0471-2512026 | 2026 |
9446015358 |
Room No. 728, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Sheeja. P. K Under Secretary (HG) Committee on the Welfare of Non-Resident Keralites & Senior Citizens |
0471-2512166 | 2166 | 9446334859 | Room No.35, II Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. Abdul Latheef Under Secretary MLA Hostel |
0471-2512274 | 2274 |
9495831670 |
Room No. 28-A, I Floor, Nila Block, Legislators' Hostel. |
Shri. T. Pushpangathan Under Secretary Committee on Welfare Backward Class Communities, Official Language |
0471-2512454 | 2186 |
9497162855 |
Room No.46, III Floor, Admin. Building |
Shri. R. Nandakumar Under Secretary Services |
0471-2512469 | 2469 |
9495379805 |
Room No. 18, I Floor, Admin Building |
Smt. Anitha. E Under Secretary Press Relations |
0471-2512635 | 2635 |
9446539178 |
Room No. 422, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. Binu. R Under Secretary MLA Hostel |
0471-2512267 | 2267 |
9446175643 |
Room No.35-A, II Floor, Nila Block, Legislators' Hostel |
Shri. O. Mohanan Under Secretary Committee on PUC, Subject Committee B(2 & 4) |
0471-2512467 | 2467 |
8289941320 |
Room No. B 33, II floor, Admin. Building |
Shri. Vinod Kumar M.K Under Secretary Committee on Estimates, Subject Committee A(3 & 5) |
0471-2512403 | 2403 |
9446310341 |
Room No. 15, I Floor Admin Building |
Shri. Shihabudeen M Under Secretary MLA Hostel |
0471-2512504 | 2504 |
9447887186 |
Room No. 73, Nila Block, Legislators' Hostel. |
Shri. Ajithkumar V.O, Under Secretary I Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes |
0471-2512425 | 2425 |
9400155255 |
Room No.728, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. Poly P Antony, Under Secretary Information Technology & E Niyamasabha |
0471-2512468 | 2468 |
9947507100 |
Room No.412, IV Floor, Admin. Building |
Smt. Jayasree. V.L, Under Secretary Accounts I |
0471-2512408 | 2408 |
9207196761 |
Room No. 20, I Floor, Admin Building |
Smt. Bindu. S, Under Secretary Committee on the Welfare of Women, Transgenders, Children & Differently Abled |
0471-2512426 | 2426 |
9446012823 |
Room No. B-34, II Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. Biraj P.R, Under Secretary Deputy Director KLAMPS (Media) |
0471-2512118 | 2118 |
9497003245 |
Room No.831, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Sunitha C, Under Secretary II (Subject Committees) Subject Committee F(10 & 12), Internal Audit |
0471-2512454 | 2186 |
9048748767 |
Room No.728, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. Hareendran. K, Under Secretary Committee on Environment |
0471-2512429 | 2429 |
9446060573 |
Room. No. 728, 3rd Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. Sachy. T.P, Under Secretary Legislation, PMBR |
0471-2512020 | 2020 |
9446620608 |
Room. No. 408, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. Sreejesh. G, Under Secretary III MLA Hostel |
0471-2512273 | 2273 |
9447655758 |
Room No.35-A, II Floor, Nila Block, Legislators' Hostel |
Shri. Swaminathan K, Under Secretary Committee on Petition I |
0471-2512428 | 2428 |
8136856516 |
Room No. 31, II Floor, Admin Building |
Shri. Abdul Majeed T.P, Under Secretary/Protocol Officer Research & CAD |
0471-2512019 | 2019 |
9447583972 |
Room No.403 C, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri. Syam K.S., Under Secretary Table |
0471-2512011 | 2011 |
9847546614 |
Room No. 407, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Business Advisory Committee | -- | 2004, 2005 | -- | Room No. 412, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Environment | -- | 2007 | -- | Room No. 409, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Estimates (A, B) | -- | 2413, 2414 | -- |
Room No. 12 B, B-Block, I Floor, Admin. Building |
Government Assurances | -- | 2016, 2017 | -- | Room No. 404, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
House Committee (M.A) (B) | -- | 2211 | -- | Room No. 14, NILA Block, MLA Hostel |
Library Advisory Committee | -- | 2520 | -- |
E Block, III Floor Administrative Building |
Local Fund Accounts (A, B,C) | -- | 2552, 2589, 2368 | -- |
Room No. 711, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Official Language | -- | 2551 | -- |
Room No. 409, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Papers Laid on the Table | -- | 2006 | -- |
Room No. 409, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Petitions (A, B, C) | -- | 2444, 2445 2446 | -- |
B Block, II Floor, Administrative Building |
Private Members' Bill and Resolutions | -- | 2022 | -- |
Room No. 401-A, Ground Floor,Assembly Building |
Privileges and Ethics | -- | 2004, 2005 | -- | Room No. 412, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Public Accounts (A, B) | -- | 2433, 2434 | -- |
B Block, II Floor, Administrative Building |
Public Undertakings (A, B) | -- | 2435, 2436 | -- |
B Block, II Floor, Administrative Building |
Subject Committee I & VII ( C section) | - | 2441 | - |
Room No. 736, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Subject Committee II & IV ( B section) | - | 2440 | - |
Room No. 736, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Subject Committee III & V ( A section) | - | 2439 | - |
Room No. 736, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Subject Committee VI & VIII ( E section) | - | 2443 | - |
Room No. 736, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Subject Committee IX & XIV ( D section) | - | 2442 | - |
Room No. 736, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Subject Committee X & XII ( F section) | - | 2184 | - |
Room No. 736, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Subject Committee XI & XIII ( G section) | - | 2183 | - |
Room No. 736, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Subordinate Legislation | -- | 2460 | -- |
Room No. 711, III Floor, Assembly Building |
Welfare of Backward Class Communities | -- | 2009 | -- |
Room No. 409, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Welfare of Fishermen and Allied Workers | -- | 2064 | -- |
Room No. 36, B Block, II Floor, Administrative Building |
Welfare of Non-Resident Keralites | -- | 2063 | -- |
Room No. 36, B Block, II Floor, Administrative Building |
Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (A, B) | -- | 2466, 2412 | -- |
Room No. 12 B, B-Block, I Floor, Admin. Building |
Welfare of Senior Citizens | -- | 2038 | -- |
Room No. 36, B Block, II Floor, Administrative Building |
Welfare of Women,Transgenders,Children and Differently Abled (A, B, C) | -- | 2437, 2438, 2545 | -- |
B Block, II Floor, Administrative Building |
Welfare of Youth and Youth Affairs | -- | 2151 | -- |
Room No. 36, B Block, II Floor, Administrative Building |
Accounts Accounts (A, B, C, D, E, F)
-- |
2419, 2420 2421,2422, 2410,2415
-- |
Ist Floor Admin. Block |
Services Services (A, B, C) |
-- |
2416,2417 2418 |
Ist Floor Admin. Block | |
Data Resource Development (A, B) |
2667, 2493 |
Room No.711, III Floor, Assembly Building | ||
Editing Branch (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) |
-- |
2093,2094, 2095, 2196, 2085, 2087, 2103, 2092, 2186, 2642, 2697 |
-- |
IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Fair Copy I, | -- |
2024 |
-- | Room No. 425, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Fair Copy II, | -- |
2447 |
-- | Room No. 425, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Fair Copy III, | -- | 2233 | -- | Room No. 12-B, B Block, I Floor, Administrative Building |
Fair Copy IV, | -- | 2411 | -- | Room No. 12-A, B Block, I Floor, Administrative Building |
Fair Copy V, | -- | 2461 | -- |
Room No. 804, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Fair Copy VI | -- | 2203 | -- | Room No. 41-B, II Floor, Nila Block, MLA Hostel |
Fair Copy VII, | -- | 2177 | -- |
Room No. 804, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Fair Copy VIII | -- | 2631 | -- |
Room No. 804, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Fair Copy Cum Office Section (K-LAMPS) | -- | 2014 |
Room No. 804, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
House Keeping (A) House Keeping (B) Superintendent Health Inspector |
-- |
2514, 2632 2563 2513 |
-- | Room No. 402, D Block, IV Floor, Admin. Building |
CAD Cell | -- |
2528 |
-- |
Room No. 208, II Floor, Admin. Building III-C Conference Hall, II Floor, Admin. Building |
Internal Audit | -- | 2008 | -- | Room No.409, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
K-LAMPS (PS) A Section | 2585 |
Room No:739, III Floor, Assembly Building |
K-LAMPS (PS) B Section | 2453, 2662 |
Room No:739, III Floor, Assembly Building |
K-LAMPS (PS) Coaching Hall | 2594 |
Room No. 740,
III Floor, Assembly Building |
K-LAMPS (Media) A Section | 2286 |
Room No: 831, IVth Floor, Assembly Building |
K-LAMPS (Media) B Section | 2549 |
Room No: 831, IVth Floor, Assembly Building |
K-LAMPS (Accounts) Section | 2651 |
Room No: 831, IVth Floor, Assembly Building |
Legislation | -- | 2021 | -- | Room No.401, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Legislature Library | -- | 2135 | -- |
E Block, III Floor Administrative Building |
Kerala Legislative Assembly Golden Jubilee Museum and G.Karthikeyan Museum |
-- -- |
2140 2400 |
-- -- |
Nair Brigade Camp Bastion & Armoury of the Royal Province of Travancore (erstwhile), Near Hon'ble Speaker's Residence, Legislative Assembly Campus |
Niyamasabha Press Controller of Printing Foreman DTP Proof Reading |
-- |
2595 2482 2483 2457 2458 |
-- | -- |
Notice Office | -- | 2031 | -- | Room No. 508 ,First Floor, Assembly Building |
Office Sections | -- |
2289 2449 |
-- |
Room No. 405,Ground Floor, Assembly Building
Room No. 405,Ground Floor, Assembly Building Room No. 26, B Block, II Floor, Administrative Building Room No. 26,B Block, II Floor, |
Press Relations | -- | 2600 | -- | Room No. 422, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Protocol | -- | 2019 | -- | Room No. 404, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Question (A, B) | -- | 2016, 2017 | -- | Room No. 404, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Sabha Television (A, B) | - | 2286, 2549 | -- |
Room No. 831, IVth Floor, Assembly Building |
Reception | -- | 2028, 2029 | -- | Reception Centre, Legislature Complex |
Records | -- | 2537 | -- |
Room No. 5, B Block, Ground Floor, Admin Building |
Research | -- | 2079 | -- | Room No. 405, E Block, IVth Floor, Administrative Building |
Table | -- | 2004, 2005 | -- | Room No. 412, Ground Floor, Assembly Building |
Watch and Ward Office | -- | 2054 | -- | . |
IT Section | 2244 |
Room No.B-70 A, D Block, IV Floor, Admin Building |
E-Niyamasabha | 2619 | Room No.B-70 A, D Block, IV Floor, Admin Building | ||
IT Consultant | 2516 | Room No.413,D Block, IV Floor, Admin Building | ||
IT Administrators | 2516 | Room No.413,D Block, IV Floor, Admin Building | ||
IT CELL (COWD & CHM Technicians) | 2560 | Room No.413,D Block, IV Floor, Admin Building | ||
IT CELL - MLA Hostel | 2288 | Neyyar Block, Near Reception Counter, MLA Hostel | ||
Web Studio | 2633 | Room No.524, First Floor, Assembly Building | ||
Business Control Room |
2621 2622 |
Room No. 637, Second Floor, Assembly Building | ||
Video Conference Hall | 2314 | Room No. 406, IV Floor, Admin Building | ||
Shri P. Ramachandran Chief Editor |
0471-2305894 | 2101 |
9495226291 |
Room No: 818, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. R. Hemalatha,
Joint Chief Editor-I |
0471-2512608 | 2608 |
9497012521 |
Room No.817, IV
Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. M. Suja, Joint Chief Editor |
0471-2512096 | 2090 |
8289878727 |
Room No: 812, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. S. Sathya, Deputy Chief Editor |
0471-2512497 | 2084 |
9846969300 |
Room No: 812, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. C.S. Lekha, Deputy Chief Editor |
0471-2512396 | 2396 |
9447893046 |
Room No: 816, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. L. Sunitha Deputy Chief Editor |
0471-2512099 | 2099 |
9446357196 |
Room No: 819, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. R. Kavitha Vilber Deputy Chief Editor |
0471-2512497 | 2497 |
9496252134 |
Room No: 816, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Salikutty Skaria Deputy Chief Editor |
0471-2512102 | 2102 |
9447853288 |
Room No.811, IV
Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Jyothi Lekshmi Deputy Chief Editor |
0471-2512590 | 2590 |
8547505147 |
Room No.819, IV
Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Sujatha K A Deputy Chief Editor |
0471-2512091 | 2091 |
9447806020 |
Room No: 824, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Sangeetha T V Deputy Chief Editor |
0471-2512083 | 2083 |
9349364882 |
Room No.823, IV
Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Fahida S Editor of Debates |
0471-2512103 | 2103 |
9495519229 |
Room No.817, IV
Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Deepa R C Nair Editor of Debates |
0471-2512617 | 2617 |
9400685896 |
Room No.823, IV
Floor, Assembly Building |
Shri Suresh Babu C Editor of Debates |
0471-2512198 | 2198 |
8304826315 |
Room No.824, IV
Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. V I Radhika Editor of Debates |
0471-2512100 | 2100 |
9495011992 |
Room No.811, IV
Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Sindhu. S Editor of Debates |
0471-2512096 | 2096 |
9895287571 |
Room No: 812, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Shiny Mathew Editor of Debates |
0471-2512089 | 2089 |
9446360806 |
Room No: 816, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Seena N. Rajan Editor of Debates |
0471-2512097 | 2097 |
8136892678 |
Room No: 811, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Lakshmy. V Editor of Debates |
0471-2512082 | 2082 |
9048546464 |
Room No: 823, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Kumari Sheeja. V Editor of Debates |
0471-2512098 | 2098 |
9747097355 |
Room No: 819, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Seenathil Munawra Editor of Debates |
0471-2512197 | 2197 | 9061890860 |
Room No: 824, IV Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. Laila A.S, Chief Librarian |
0471-2303425 | 2522 |
9497772301 |
E Block, III Floor Administrative Building |
Smt. M. R. Indu, Librarian |
-- | 2039 |
9446094476 |
Room No 504, I Floor, Assembly Building |
Smt. S.L Lali,
Librarian |
-- | 2284 |
9446176571 |
III Floor Administrative Building |
Sri.G Omanaseelan Librarian |
-- | 2523 |
8848199137 |
III Floor Administrative Building |
Shri. Shynu Ray S Librarian |
2566 |
9446849162 |
E Block, III Floor Administrative Building |
Shri. Mary Joseph E Deputy Librarian |
2520 |
6238247145 |
III Floor Administrative Building |
Shri R. Santhoshkumar Deputy Librarian |
2138 | 9605937239 |
II Floor Administrative Building |
Smt. Libitha K Ismail Deputy Librarian |
2519 |
9495308807 |
III Floor Administrative Building |
Smt. Prasanthi Deputy Librarian |
-- | 2521 |
9447657056 |
E Block, IV Floor Administrative Building |
DR. SoumyaRani. G.L Deputy Librarian |
2630 |
9388783746 |
II Floor Administrative Building |
Smt. Shameena. S Deputy Librarian |
9496155237 |
Archives | -- | 2134 | - |
II Floor Administrative Building |
Binding | -- | 2517 | - |
II Floor Administrative Building |
Circulation Counter | -- | 2135 | - |
E Block, III Floor Administrative Building |
Documentation | -- | 2521 | - |
E Block, III Floor Administrative Building |
Main Library - Reference | -- | 2519 | - |
E Block, III Floor Administrative Building |
Library Members Reference | -- | 2039 | - |
Room No 504, I Floor, Assembly Building |
Childrens' Library | -- | 2640 | - | Room No. 204, I Floor, Administrative Building |
Canteen | -- | 2538 | - | Ist Floor , Admin. Building |
Members' Coffee House Indian Coffee House |
-- |
2051 2030 |
- |
Ist Floor , Assembly Building Ground Floor , Assembly Building |
Transportation (Drivers' Room) | -- | 2013 | - |
Room no:430, Ground Floor Assembly Building |
Enquiry | -- | 2524 | - |
E Block, III Floor Administrative Building |
Key Room | -- | 2171 | - |
Room no:414, Ground Floor Assembly Building |
Lift Operators' Room | -- | 2592 | - |
Room no:817, IVth Floor Assembly Building |
PWD Civil Electrical Electronics Mechanical |
-- |
2602 2003 2049 2541 |
- | -- |
SBT Extension Counter | -- | 2539 | - | -- |
Sisunikethan | -- | 2464 | - | -- |
Staff Co-operative Society | -- | 2463 | - | -- |
Staff Housing Co-operative Society | -- | 2583 | - | -- |
Sub Treasury | -- | 2556,2557 | - | -- |
Telephone Exchange | -- | 3000, 2000 | - | -- |
Watch & Ward Chief Marshal Main Gate Speaker Gate Stadium Gate Brigade Gate Watch & Ward Office |
-- |
2052 2182 2181 2180 2048 2054 |
- | -- |
Assistant Manager/Enquiry | -- | 2261 | -- | Nila Block, MLA Hostel |
Estate Officer | -- | 2206 | . | Room No. 6, Ground Floor, Nila Block, MLA Hostel |
Library - Extension Counter | -- | 2259 | -- | Room No. 100, Nila Block |
Members' Amenities Sections A | -- | 2204 | -- | Room No. 4, Ground Floor, Nila Block, MLA Hostel |
Members' Amenities Sections B | -- |
2211 |
-- | Room No. 14, Ground Floor, Nila Block, MLA Hoste |
Members' Amenities Sections C | -- | 2254 | -- | Room No. 36, II Floor, Nila Block, MLA Hostel |
Members' Amenities Sections D | -- | 2268 | -- |
Room No. 8, Ground Floor, Nila Block, MLA Hostel |
Members' Amenities Sections E | -- | 2207 | -- | Room No. 7, Ground Floor, Nila Block, MLA Hostel |
Members' Amenities Sections F | -- | 2278 | -- | Room No. 14-A, Ground Floor, Nila Block, MLA Hostel |
Members' Amenities Sections G | -- | 2117 | -- | Room No. 73, III Floor, Nila Block, MLA Hostel |
Fair Copy Section VI | -- | 2203 | -- | Room No. 41-B, II Floor, Nila Block, MLA Hostel |
Office Section | -- | 2269 | -- | Room No. 18, I Floor, Nila Block, MLA Hostel |
Canteen Thalasseri Malabar |
2264 2265 |
-- | -- | |
Clinics Ayurveda Dental Eye Clinic Health Clinic Doctor Health Clinic Health Clinic Lab Homoeo |
-- |
2227 2293 2659 2216 2215 2309 2352 |
-- | -- |
Counters Periyar Block Pamba Block Nila Block Chandragiri Block Neyyar Block |
-- |
2307 2300 2260 2299 2399 |
-- | -- |
Railway Counter | -- | 2392 | -- | -- |
Watch & Ward | -- | 2263 | -- | -- |
Ex-MLA Forum | -- | 2574 |
EPABX Numbers can be contacted from outside by prefixing 251