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Officers under the Right to Information Act, 2005 
(as on 22-06-2024)

Officers Phone Number Subjects Email Id
Appellate Authority . .
Shri T. Manoharan Nair, 
 Private Secretary
0471-2513007 Office of the Honourable Speaker
Shri. Shaji C Baby, 
  Special Secretary
0471-2305398 All matters related to Legislature Secretariat
State Public Information Officers . -
Smt. Sheena Sivadas, 
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512159 Local Fund Accounts Committee,  Niyamasabha Printing Press
Smt.Sheeba Varghese,
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512133 Legislation, Private Members Bills and Resolutions, Data Resource Development
Smt. Bindu. S.L, 
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512397 K-LAMPS  (Parliamentary Studies), K-LAMPS  (Accounts), Library
Smt. Reena V. R.,   
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512012 Table, Papers Laid on the Table
Smt. Lali. V.S.,
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512432 Committee on Welfare of Women, Transgenders, Children and Differently Abled, Committee on Welfare of Fishermen and Allied workers
Shri. R. Shaji
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512164 Committee on Estimates
Smt. D. O. Reji.,
Deputy Secretary 
0471-2512568 K-LAMPS (Media). Museum
Smt. Deepa N.G.,
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512610 Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Committee on Official Language, Committee on Welfare of Other Backward Classes
Smt. Chitra. K.I.,
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512409 Accounts
Shri. M.S. Sreekumar
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512015 Question, Research, Protocol, Committee on Assurance
Shri. D. Prasad
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512015 Niyamasabha  Hostel
Shri. Jomy K. Joseph
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512451 Committee on Public Accounts & Internal Audit
Shri. Jayakumar. G
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512489 Committee on Subordinate Legislation, Committee on Welfare of Non-Resident Keralites
Shri. Abdul Nasar. M
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512470 Information Technology
Shri. Vijay Amrtharaj. A
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512431 Committee on Petitions, Committee on Welfare of Youth and Youth Affairs
Shri. Harisankar. P
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512485 House Keeping, Committee on Enviornment
Shri. Anil Kumar. B
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512424 Editing, Committee on Public Undertakings, Committee on Welfare of Senior Citizens, Subject Committees
Shri. Dinesh Kumar. B. 
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512459 CAD, Reception, Press Relations, Other Subjects not specified here
Shri. S. V. Deepak 
Deputy Secretary
0471-2512402 Services
Shri. Suresan. C,
Under Secretary (HG)
0471-2513006 Office of the Secretary
State Assistant Public Information Officers .
Shri. Sajeevan. P. K 
Under Secretary (HG)
0471-2512404 Services
Smt. Sindhu. T. G., 
Under Secretary (HG)
0471-2512515 House Keeping
Smt. Ambily. P., 
Under Secretary (HG)
0471-2512481 Committee on Welfare of Women, Transgenders, Children and Differently Abled,  Committee on Welfare of Fishermen and Allied workers.
Smt. Beena. O M
Under Secretary (HG)
0471-2512650 Committee on Public Accounts, Internal Audit
Shri. M.S. Anvar Sultahan. 
Under Secretary (HG)
0471-2512595 Printing Press
Shri. V. A. Binu 
Under Secretary (HG)
0471-2512452 Committee on Local Fund Accounts, 
Smt. Pushpalatha. V. C 
Under Secretary (HG)
0471-2512670 K-LAMPS (Parliamentary Studeis), Library
Smt. Mable Antony, 
Under Secretary (HG)
0471-2512456 K-LAMPS  (Accounts)
Smt. Shamy. J, 
Under Secretary (HG)
0471-2512405 Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Shri. Abbas. P
Under Secretary (HG)
0471-2512353 Data Resource Development
Shri. Kiran Bose, 
Under Secretary (HG)
0471-2512408 Question, Committee on Assurance
Smt. Sheeja P.K,
Under Secretary  (HG)
0471-2512166 Committee on Welfare of Non-Resident Keralites, Committee on Subordinate Legislation
Smt. Anitha. E
Under Secretary
0471-2512481 Reception, Press Relations, Other Subjects not specified here 
Shri. Binu. R 
Under Secretary
0471-2512267 Legislators' Hostel
Shri. O. Mohanan
Under Secretary
0471-2512467 Editing, Committee on Public Undertakings,  Committee on Welfare of Senior Citizens, Subject Committees 
Shri. Vinod Kumar. M.K
Under Secretary 
0471-2512401 Committee on Estimates
Shri. Poly P Antony, 
Under Secretary
0471-2512670 Information Technology
Smt. Jayasree. V.L, 
Under Secretary
0471-2512635 Accounts
Shri. Biraj. P.R, 
Under Secretary
0471-2512118 K-LAMPS (Media). Museum
Smt. Sunitha. C, 
Under Secretary
0471-2512186 Committee on Official Language, , Committee on Welfare of Other Backward Classes
Shri. Hareendran. K, 
Under Secretary
0471-2512429 Committee on Environment
Shri. Sachy. T. P.      Under Secretary 0471-2512468 Legislation, Private Members Bills and Resolutions
Shri. Swaminathan K,
Under Secretary 
0471-2512428 Committee on Petitions,Committee on Welfare of Youth and Youth Affairs
Shri. Abdul Majeed T.P,
Under Secretary
0471-2512019 Research, Protocol
Shri. Syam K.S.,        Under Secretary 0471-2512011 Table, Papers Laid on the Table
Shri. Satheesh  K.,   Section Officer     0471-2512499 CAD

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