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Kerala Legislative Assembly Media and Parliamentary Study Centre (K-LAMPS (PS))

Kerala Legislature Secretariat  


·        Profile

·        Aims and  Objectives   

·        Activities

·        Contacts

·        Events 

·        Certificate Course in Parliamentary Practice and Procedure

·        Documents

·        Image Gallery


   Circulars and Notifications


To foster democracy by strengthening the institution of Legislature  through informed legislators, Smart and intelligent officials and encouraging greater engagement between the public and the Legislature .

(Former Speaker)
Founder, CPST

K-LAMPS- Handbook on Parliamentary Internship Programme
K-LAMPS(P.S) - PG Diploma in Parliamentary Studies - 1st Batch - First Session of Contact classes - reg 
കേരള ലെജിസ്ലേറ്റീവ് അസംബ്ലി മീഡിയ & പാർലമെന്ററി സ്റ്റഡി സെന്റർ കെ-ലാംപ്സ് (പി.എസ്.) -പി.ജി.ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ പാർലമെന്ററി സ്റ്റഡീസിന്റെ ആദ്യ ബാച്ച് - അഡ്മിഷൻ ഫീസ് ,കോഴ്സ് ഫീസ് എന്നിവ അടയ്ക്കുന്നത് സംബന്ധിച്ച്-Pay Now
കേരള ലെജിസ്ലേറ്റീവ് അസംബ്ലി മീഡിയ & പാർലമെന്ററി സ്റ്റഡി സെന്റർ കെ-ലാംപ്സ് (പി.എസ്.) - സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് കോഴ്സ് ഇൻ പാർലമെന്ററി സ്റ്റഡീസിന്റെ ആദ്യ ബാച്ച് - അഡ്മിഷൻ ഫീസ് ,കോഴ്സ് ഫീസ് എന്നിവ അടയ്ക്കുന്നത് സംബന്ധിച്ച്-  Pay Now                        

K-LAMPS (PS) -Post Graduate Diploma in Parliamentary Studies,Certificate Course in Parliamentary Studies എന്നീ കോഴ്‌സുകളുടെ പ്രവേശനത്തിനായി അപേക്ഷകൾ സ്വീകരിക്കുന്ന അവസാന തീയതി യഥാക്രമം 10. 01. 2025, 15 . 01. 2025 വരെ ദീർഘിപ്പിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു.

K-LAMPS (PS) -Post Graduate Diploma in Parliamentary Studies,Certificate Course in Parliamentary Studies എന്നീ കോഴ്‌സുകളുടെ പ്രവേശനത്തിനായി അപേക്ഷകൾ സ്വീകരിക്കുന്ന അവസാന തീയതി 30.12.2024 വരെ ദീർഘിപ്പിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു
K-LAMPS (PS) -Certificate Course in Parliamentary Studies- 1st Batch 2024 - Admission Notification /Gist of Prospectus/Apply Now
K-LAMPS (PS) -Post Graduate Diploma in Parliamentary Studies - 1st Batch  2024- Admission Notification /Gist of Prospectus/Apply Now
K-LAMPS (PS) - Certificate Course - Exam - 2024 - REVALUATION - NOTIFICATION / APPLICATION
K-LAMPS (Parliamentary Studies) - Certificate Course in Parliamentary Practice and Procedure - Viva Voce 2024- Reg.
K-LAMPS (PS)- Certificate Course 10th Batch Examination 2024 - Hall Ticket - Download 
K-LAMPS (PS) - Written Examination 2024 - Rescheduled-Notification
K-LAMPS(PS)- 10th Batch Written Examination 2024 - Scribe-Notification-Application-Proforma
K-LAMPS(PS) -Certificate Course -10th Batch - Finishing Class - Notification
K-LAMPS (PS) - Written Examination 2024 - Notification & Application
Kerala Legislature Secretariat - K-LAMPS(PS) - Certificate Course - 10th batch - Viewing Assembly Session - Regarding
K-LAMPS (PS) - Certificate Course - 10th Batch - Assignment - Guidelines and Model Topics
K-LAMPS(PS) -Certificate Course -10th Batch-Second Contact Class - Notification
കെ-ലാംപ്സ് (പി.എസ്) വിഭാഗം നടത്തുന്ന സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് കോഴ്സിന്റെ 2023-ലെ പരീക്ഷയുടെ അന്തിമഫലം
Notification - K-LAMPS (PS) - Certificate Course - 10th Batch - First Contact Class - Kozhikode & Ernakulam 
K-LAMPS (PS) - Certificate Course - 10th Batch - First Contact Class 
K-LAMPS (PS) - Certificate Course - 10th Batch - Admission Fee & Course Fee - Notification
കെ-ലാംപ്സ്(പാർലമെന്ററി സ്റ്റഡീസ്) വിഭാഗം നടത്തുന്ന സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് കോഴ്സിന്റെ 2023-ലെ പരിക്ഷയുടെ ​പ്രൊവിഷണൽ ഫലം
കെ-ലാംപ്സ്(പാർലമെന്ററി സ്റ്റഡീസ്) വിഭാഗം നടത്തുന്ന സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് കോഴ്സിന്റെ 2023-ലെ പരിക്ഷയുടെ ഉത്തരക്കടലാസുകളുടെ പുനർമൂല്യനിർണ്ണയം അപേക്ഷ സംബന്ധിച്ച്.
കെ-ലാംപ്സ് (പി.എസ്) വിഭാഗം - ജേർണലിസം പി ജി ഡിപ്ലോമ വിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾക്കായുള്ള ദ്വിദിന പരിശീലന പരിപാടി സംബന്ധിച്ച് 
കെ-ലാംപ്സ് (പി.എസ്) വിഭാഗം 2023 ജൂലൈ മുതൽ ഡിസംബർ വരെ സംഘടിപ്പിച്ച പരിപാടികൾ 
സര്‍ട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് കോഴ്സിന്റെ പത്താമത് ബാച്ചിലേക്കുള്ള പ്രവേശനത്തിനായി അപേക്ഷകള്‍ സ്വീകരിക്കുന്ന അവസാന തീയതി 2024 ജനുവരി 10 ആയി ദീർഘിപ്പിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നത് സംബന്ധിച്ചു .
K-LAMPS (PS) - 10th Batch - Admission Notification / Application Form /Prospectus
Notification - Kerala Legislature Secretariat - K-LAMPS (PS) - Certificate Course in Parliamentary Practice And Procedure - Viva Voce 2023- Reg.
K-LAMPS (PS) - Certificate Course - Examination 2023 - Time Table
കെ - ലാംപ്‌സ് (പി.എസ്.) 'എ' വിഭാഗം - പതിനഞ്ചാം കേരള നിയമസഭ - ബഹു. സാമാജികർക്കായുള്ള ദ്വിദിന  തുടർ പരിശീലന പരിപാടി (2023 സെപ്റ്റംബർ 19,20) 
കേരള നിയമസഭാ സെക്രട്ടേറിയറ്റ് - കെ - ലാംപ്സ് (മീഡിയ) - നിയമസഭാ മാധ്യമ അവാർഡ് - 2023 - സംബന്ധിച്ച്.
K-LAMPS (PS) - Written Examination 2023 - Notification & Application
NOTIFICATION - K-LAMPS (PS) - Certificate Course - 9th Batch - Finishing Class
Kerala Legislature Secretariat - K-LAMPS(PS) - Certificate Course - 9th batch - Viewing Assembly Session - Regarding
നിയമസഭാ സാമാജികർക്കുള്ള തുടർ പരിശീലന പരിപാടി - 2023 ജുലൈ 18, 19 – ആർ. ശങ്കരനാരായണൻ തമ്പി മെമ്പേഴ്സ് ലോഞ്ച്, നിയമസഭാ മന്ദിരം
കെ-ലാംപ്സ് (പി.എസ്) വിഭാഗം 2023 ജനുവരി മുതൽ ജൂൺ വരെ സംഘടിപ്പിച്ച പരിപാടികൾ
NOTIFICATION - K-LAMPS (PS) - Certificate Course - 9th Batch - Second Phase Contact Class
K-LAMPS (PS) - Certificate Course - 9th Batch - Assignment - guidelines and Model Topics
K-Lamps (PS) - 9th Batch - Live Assemby Visit - Reg
K-Lamps (PS) - 9th Batch - First Contact Classes - Notification - Reg
K-LAMPS (PS) - Certificate Course - Exam - 2022 - REVALUATION - NOTIFICATION
K-LAMPS(PS) - Certificate Course - Exam 2022 - RESULTS
കെ-ലാംപ്സ് (പി.എസ്) വിഭാഗം 2022 ജൂലൈ മുതൽ ഡിസംബർ വരെ സംഘടിപ്പിച്ച പരിപാടികൾ 
K-LAMPS (PS) - 9th Batch Course Calendar
NOTIFICATION - K-LAMPS (PS) - Certificate Course - 9th Batch - Payment of Admission Fee and Course Fee - Regarding
K-LAMPS (PS) - 9th Batch - Admission Notification / Application Form / Gist of Prospectus
K-LAMPS (PS) - VIVA VOCE - 2022 - Notification & Schedule
കെ-ലാംപ്സ് (പി.എസ്) - സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് കോഴ്സ് എട്ടാമത് ബാച്ച് - ഫിനിഷിങ് ക്ലാസ് - സംബന്ധിച്ച് 
കെ-ലാംപ്സ് (പി.എസ്) 2022 ജനുവരി മുതൽ 2022 മുതൽ ജൂൺ വരെ സംഘടിപ്പിച്ച പരിപാടികൾ 
K-LAMPS (PS) - Written Examination 2022 - Notification & Application
8th batch - Live Assembly Visit - Notice
K-Lamps (PS) - Certificate Course - 8th Batch - Second Session of Contact classes - reg.
K-Lamps 8th Batch Course Calendar
"Last date for submission of Assignments - May 13, 2022 - Click Here for Guidelines and Model Topics"
K-LAMPS Certificate Course 6th and 7th batch - Certificate Distribution – 10-03-2022 - Photos
Notification - Kerala Legislature Secretariat - K-Lamps - Certificate Course - 8th Batch - First Session of Contact classes - reg. 
K-LAMPS(PS) – Certificate Course - 6th/7th Batch Certificate / Rank Certificate Distribution and 8th Batch Inauguration on 10.03.2022
"EXAM 2021 Results - KLAMPS Certificate Course - 7th Batch"
Notification - K-LAMPS (PS) Certificate Course - 8th Batch - Payment of Admission Fee and Course Fee- Regarding
K-LAMPS (PS) Activities from 2021 October - 2021 December
K-LAMPS (PS) - PRIDE സംഘടിപ്പിക്കുന്ന ഓൺലൈൻ പരിശീലന പരിപാടി സംബന്ധിച്ച് 
ബഹു. സ്പീക്കര്‍ സമഗ്രശിക്ഷ, കേരളയുടെ പ്രാദേശിക ചരിത്ര രചന സംസ്ഥാനതല വിജയികളായ വിദ്യാര്‍ത്ഥികളുമായി നടത്തുന്ന സംവാദം - ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍
  Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Training (CPST) Certificate Course 2019-6th Batch Results - Rank Holders
മഹാകവി കുമാരനാശാൻ അനുസ്മരണം - 2021 ജനുവരി 18 
നിയമസഭാ മാധ്യമ അവാര്‍ഡ് 2020 - ജേതാക്കൾ 
സി.പി.എസ്.ടി 2019-ൽ സംഘടിപ്പിച്ച പരിപാടികൾ സംബന്ധിച്ച വിവരം 
CPST Activities-Schedule-2019(January to July)
CPST-Debate on Indian Economic Crisis and the Agrarian Sector-Programme Schedule
CPST-നിയമസഭാ മാധ്യമ അവാർഡ് 2019 - പ്രഖ്യാപനം 
CPST- Certificate Course in Parliamentary Practice & Procedure Examination 2019 - Rank holders & Result
Workshop for Hon'ble Members on Functioning of Legislature Committees, LAIS and e-Niyamasabha organised by CPST on 21-05-2019 and 22-05-2019-Photos
Hon'ble Speaker interacting with 'Assistant Collectors Under Training' at the CPST - IMG Programme on 25.06.2019 - Photos
ഇ-നിയമസഭ - നിയമസഭാ സാമാജികർക്കായുള്ള ശിൽപ്പശാല-2019 മേയ് 21, 22-കാര്യപരിപാടി
പാർലമെൻററി പഠന പരിശീലന കേന്ദ്രം-സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് കോഴ്‌സ് -പഠിതാക്കൾക്ക് 'കേരള നിയമസഭ-നടപടിക്രമങ്ങളും കീഴ്‌വഴക്കങ്ങളും ' എന്ന ഗ്രന്ഥം50% വിലക്കുറവിൽ ലഭ്യമാകുന്നു-വിജ്ഞാപനം 
CPST Activities -2018 (January - December)
CPST-ഭരണഘടനാസാക്ഷരത-ജനകീയ വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ പരിപാടി-6-12-2018
CPST-ഭരണഘടനാസാക്ഷരത-ജനകീയ വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ പരിപാടി-26-11-2018-Photos
CPST-ഭരണഘടനാസാക്ഷരത-ജനകീയ വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ പരിപാടി-26-11-2018-കാര്യപരിപാടി
CPST-ഭരണഘടനാസാക്ഷരത-ജനകീയ വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ പരിപാടി-26-11-2018
CPST- Certificate Course 2018-Second instalment of Tuition Fees-Notification
നിയമസഭാ മാധ്യമ അവാര്‍ഡ് - 2018    
പാര്‍ലമെന്ററി പഠന പരിശീലന കേന്ദ്രം - സര്‍ട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് കോഴ്സ്- റാങ്ക് ജേതാക്കള്‍ -2018
Programmes Conducted by CPST in June 2018
Programmes Conducted by CPST from January 2018 to May 2018
Programmes Conducted by CPST in 2017
Visit of Students participated in Student Parliament, Tanur
Visit of students from Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha
Visit of students from Milad-e-Sherif Girls High School, Mynagapally
Visit of students from Shri Keralavarma College, Thrissur
Visit of Students from Govt. HSS, Edakkara
Niyamasabha Visit- Students from SD College, Alapuzha 31.10.2017- Photos.
Diamond Jubilee Celebration– Kannur District (9, 10 & 11 of Sept. 2017) - Photos
Diamond Jubilee Lecture by Shri. Jayaram Ramesh, 14th June 2017- Photos.
Seminar on 'GST' (07 august 2017)- photos

'vajrakeralam', Parliamentary seminar, students parliament and parliamentary exhibition- 06.06.2017- Photos 

സി പി എസ് റ്റി -ഉപന്യാസ രചന മത്സരം-08.05.2018  -വേദി
CPST- Invitation for Expression of Interest for supplying curios to visiting dignitaries
സി പി എസ് റ്റി -ഉപന്യാസ രചനാ മത്സരം-08.05.2018  
സി പി എസ് റ്റി-കേരള നിയമസഭ-നിയമനിർമ്മാണത്തിന്റെ ആറ് പതിറ്റാണ്ടുകൾ എന്ന ഗ്രന്ഥം സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് കോഴ്സ് പഠിതാക്കൾക്ക് ലഭ്യമാക്കുന്നത് സംബന്ധിച്ച് 
  സി പി എസ് റ്റി -ഗവഃ സെക്രെട്ടറിയേറ്റിലെ നിയമസഭാ ഹാൾ-മാതൃക നിയമസഭ-14-2 -2018 
CPST - Lecture Programme on GST on 06.02.2018
CPST-Inauguration of Legislative Assembly Visit and Study Programme for School/College students by Hon'ble Speaker Shri. P. Sreeramakrishnan on 25-10-2017  
 കേരള നിയമസഭയുടെ വജ്ര ജൂബിലി - കണ്ണുര്‍ ജില്ലയിലെ പരിപാടി - 2017 സെപ്റ്റംബര്‍ 9,10,11 - Photos  
      CPST - Media Awards, Certificate Distribution (IIIrd Batch) & Inauguration of New Batch - Photos  
KLA-Diamond Jubilee Celebrations-Legislative Assembly Visit Programme for Students  
Media Awards 2017 - Winners   
Hon. Speaker announcing Media Awards 2017 - Photos  
Certificate Course in Parliamentary Practice & Procedure Examination- RESULT 2017/CPST RANK HOLDERS  (Malayalam) (English)  
Certificate Course in Parliamentary Practice & Procedure- 3rd Batch -Examination Results 2017  
Diamond Jubilee Lecture Series-second lecture-Shri Jairam Ramesh-photos  
Diamond Jubilee Lecture Series  
Reconstitution of Governing Council  
Workshop - 14.03.2017 - Disaster Management Act and Local Issues   
Kerala Legislative Assembly Diamond Jubilee Celebrations-Lecture Series-Inauguration   
Assembly Visiting Programme - Students of Govt Womens' College, Thiruvananthapuram - Photos  
Training for Goverment Officials  
Visiting Programme for Students of Govt. Womens College, Thiruvananthapuram  
"Student Parliament" session-Inauguration - Photos  
"Student Parliament" session-Inauguration  
Certificate Course 2016- Rank Holders  
Cerfificate Course - Rank Holders 2015








Established in 2011 as an integral division of the Legislature Secretariat, the Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Training (CPST) is the premier training body providing opportunities for systematic study and training in various disciplines of parliamentary institutions, processes and procedures to the Legislators and officials and all stake holders of parliamentary democracy.

Training and Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the staff to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals. Training is essential to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources' technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal growth. It helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and the overall personality of the employees. Training and Development helps in inculcating a sense of team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in creating the right learning culture within the organization.  Training and Development helps in creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good intra institutional  relationships so that individual goals align with organizational goals.

Organisations need staff at all levels to be more self-sufficient, resourceful, creative and autonomous. It is a challenge for any organisation of repute to  develop greater confidence, initiative, solutions-finding, and problem-solving capabilities among their human resource . This behaviour enables staff to operate at higher strategic level, which makes their organizations more productive and competitive. People's efforts produce bigger results. It's what all organizations strive to achieve by focussing on developing the person, not the skills.

   Performance and capability are ultimately dependent on people's attitude and emotional maturity. It is mandatory for any organisation to provide a platform for trust, 'emotional contracting' with the organisation, and subsequent skills/process/knowledge development relevant to managing higher responsibilities and roles .

Training and Development is the framework for helping employees to develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities. The focus of all aspects of Human Resource Development is on developing the most superior workforce so that the organization and individual employees can accomplish their work goals in service to customers. Employees will always want to develop career-enhancing skills, which will always lead to employee motivation and retention. There is no doubt that a well trained and developed staff will be a valuable asset to the organisation and thereby increasing the chances of his efficiency in discharging his or her duties.It is very essential for all staff and helps in building career positioning and preparing staff for greater challenges.

The CPST has embarked upon various programmes of training in Parliamentary and Legislative fields, thus imparting professionalism, expertise and orientation to those who actually work for the parliamentary system. The CPST organises various programmes to help the legislators acquire deeper and broader understanding of complex national and global issues and to impart the much needed direct exposure to the environment, culture and traditions of parliamentary institutions so as to enable them to appreciate better the nature of their role and place in the overall context of parliamentary system, leading to a more informed response to their work in relation to Legislature.

         The CPST aims to sharpen the functional skills of the officials working in the Secretariats of Parliament and State developing the right attitudes and qualities essential in parliamentary officials, for example, a sense of dedication in service, precision and promptness, objectivity of approach, highest respect for the representatives of the people and unfailing courtesy.

         The CPST aims to encourage the Members and the general public to learn the principles and practice of democratic decision-making and promote collaboration and professional development among parliamentarians .


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Aims and Objectives 

        Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Training of the Kerala Legislature aims to  provide Legislators, Legislature staff and other stake holders of parliamentary democracy with institutionalized opportunities for systematic training in the various disciplines of parliamentary institutions, processes and procedures.

        Governments all over the world are seeking innovative modes and manners to improve delivery of services The imperative of appropriate training and capacity building of personnel working in any organization has increasingly been recognized the world over in recent decades. Such training helps to improve the effectiveness of the organization and enhance the efficiency of the available manpower, besides enabling optimum utilization of the human resources.

            In an era of professional specialization, organizations and institutions have laid special emphasis on institutional arrangements for imparting requisite training of their personnel.  In-house training, deputing personnel for training in recognized institutions, attachment with professional training institutions, etc. have become important components of augmentation of the professional capabilities of officers and staff of organizations everywhere. Induction Courses, Foundation Courses, Refresher Programmes, Orientation Programmes, etc. have emerged as integral to holistic capacity building of personnel in all organizations.

       Legislators of today have varied functions to perform, apart from their conventional representational role, more so in the context of the Legislature itself evolving as a multi-functional institution. Like any other organization, in the case of democratic institutions too, officers and staff working in the Legislative Bodies require training and exposure to acquaint themselves with the latest developments, so that they can assist elected representatives to perform their manifold roles efficaciously.

        Legislators have to be well-versed with issues like the primacy of Legislature in a democratic polity, procedural mechanisms available to them to raise matters on the floor of the House, practices and procedures of the Legislature Committees, privileges of members and the House, conventions of the House, traditions and etiquette, etc., if they have to emerge as effective representatives. They also have to be thoroughly familiar with the legislative and budgetary processes, Legislature-Executive relations and the relationship among the Organs of State. Besides, they have to have a sound understanding of the functional dynamics of parliamentary institutions, how to secure Executive accountability to the Legislature in all its manifestations and the pulls and pressures of democratic politics.

        All these call for continuous efforts to facilitate capacity building among members of Legislature, besides Legislature staff. This becomes all the more important in an increasingly information-driven world order wherein the utmost emphasis has to be laid on the development of informed legislators and legislature officials who can adequately support them.

         Since effective and efficient working of Legislature calls for constant upgrading of the skills of the Legislature staff in particular, there is a need for their extensive as well as intensive training. Such measures will assist Members of Legislature and Legislature staff to maintain the highest standards of professional excellence.

        There are various stakeholders who make a parliamentary democracy work successfully. Besides Members and Legislature staff, these stakeholders include the media, the Civil Service, the academic community, including students, civil society and the citizens at large. In the course of its evolution, parliamentary democracy has evolved several highly specialized procedures and processes, of which legislators, policy-makers, administrators and others should have a good knowledge.

In a parliamentary democratic set up, it is only the institution of Legislature, which can impart such knowledge to all stakeholders of democracy. Thus, the onerous task of conducting relevant studies and enabling the required orientation and training of the stakeholders falls on the Legislature itself.  


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  • Orientation Programmes, Lectures ,Workshops and Seminars for Members of the Kerala Legislative Assembly .
  • Round Table Discussions on topical legislative themes.
  • Parliamentary Lecture Series.
  • Attachment Programmes with the BPST , Lok Sabha Secretariat for foreign parliamentary officials .
  • Training, Attachment and Study Visits/tours of Presiding Officers, Members and officers of sister Legislatures.
  • Training Programme in Legislative Drafting.
  • Orientation Programmes and Seminars for Media Personnel accredited to the Press Galleries of the Kerala Legislative Assembly.
  • Appreciation Courses for Probationers of All India , Central Services and Middle Level officers of the Government of Kerala.
  • Study Visits for Government officers, academics, scholars and students .
  • Training, attachment and study tour opportunities for Members and officials of the Kerala Legislature Secretariat to sister Parliaments and training institutions.
  • Training programme for Personal Staff to Ministers and Members of the Legislative Assembly
  • Induction Training for staff of the Legislature Secretariat.
  • Publication of Papers on Legislative themes.
  • Programmes under CPST-UNICEF  Initiative.
  • Conducting of Certificate Course in Parliamentary Practice and Procedure.
  • Internship Programme for Law Students.




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No.739- 3rd Floor , Assembly Building ,Legislature Complex, 

Vikas Bhavan P.O ,Thiruvananthaprum-33 , Kerala   


K-LAMPS A Section

     0471 2512585

     0471 2512638
K-LAMPS B Section

      0471 2512662

Fax: 0471 2512375, 2305891





Hon’ble Speaker

Kerala Legislative Assembly


0471 2513001

0471 2513002

0471 2513003

Head of the Institution


Shri. N Krishna Kumar


Kerala Legislative Assembly


 0471 2513006

0471 2512002

0471 2513019

Additional Secretary and Executive Director


Shri. P Hari

0471 2301984

0471 2512190

Joint Secretary and  Director

Shri. Unnikrishnan G.P



Deputy Secretary and Joint Director


Smt. Bindu. S L

0471 2512397


Under Secretary and Deputy Director


Smt. D.O. Reji


0471 2512568



Hon’ble Speaker

Kerala Legislative Assembly


Hon’ble Leader of Opposition

Kerala Legislative Assembly


Hon’ble Deputy Speaker

Kerala Legislative Assembly


Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Kerala

Member (Ex-Officio)

Head of the Department,

Department of History

University of Kerala


Dr. N. K. Jayakumar, Former Vice Chancellor, NUALS Member
Dr. C. Ramakrishnan Nair, Additional Secretary (Rtd), Law Department, Govt. Secretariat Member
Secretary, Kerala Legislative Assembly Member Secretary




Sri. N Krishna Kumar


Kerala Legislative Assembly

Ex-officio Chairman

Smt. Manju Varghese

Additional Secretary
Executive Director

Kerala Legislative Assembly

Ex-officio Member

Sri. D. D. Godfree

Joint Secretary (Table)

Kerala Legislative Assembly

Ex-officio Member


Sri. G. P. Unnikrishnan

Joint Secretary
Director (

Kerala Legislative Assembly

Ex-officio Member

Sri. V. G. Riju

Joint Secretary (IT)

Kerala Legislative Assembly

Ex-officio Member

Smt. Jasmine P. S.

Deputy Secretary / 
Joint Director
K-LAMPS (Accounts)

Kerala Legislative Assembly

Ex-officio Member





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Calendar of Events 2016



Sl No.




1 Study programme for students of Govt. Women's College, Thiruvananthapuram 19-1-2016 FN .
2 Attachment with CTFM-Study Visit of staff of Finance Department 19-1-2016 AN .
3 Study Programme on Income Tax

28-1-2016 FN

4 Induction programme for Assistants of Legislature Secretariat


5 Online training programme in association with G.E.P. on assembly proceedings for the participants of Model Students Energy Parliament to be held on 24-2-2016 at Old Assembly, Govt. Secretariat buildings, Thiruvananthapuram 20-2-2016 21-2-2016
6 Global Energy Parliament-Study Programme



7 Distribution of G. Karthikeyan Media Award 2015, Release of Memoir of G. Karthikeyan, Renaming of Kerala Legislature Golden Jubilee Memorial Museum, Naming of Members' Lounge, Inauguration of Library for Children 24-2-2016 -
8 Training for Assistants of Legislature Secretariat 3-3-2016 19-3-2016
9 Training for SOs of Govt. Secretariat on Papers Laid on Table 17-3-2016 AN
10 Induction Training for Assistants 19-3-2016 26.03.2016
11 PLI Awareness Programme in association with Postal Department 29.03.2016
12 Internship Programme for Law Students  1.4.2016 1-5-2016
13 Internship Programme for Law Students - 05-05-2016
14 Management Development Programme for D.Secretaries, J.Secretaries & A.Secretaries 20-4-2016 FN .
15 Internship Programme for Law Students  1-4-2016 05-05-2016.
16 Internship Programme for Law Students  18-4-2016 07-05-2016
17 Internship Programme for Law Students  21-4-2016 20-05-2016
18 Internship Programme for Law Students  2-5-2016 30-5-2016
19 Internship Programme for Law Students  19-5-2016 14-6-2016
20 Internship Programme for Law Students  13-6-2016 .
21 Orientation Programme for MLAs 16-6-2016 17-6-2016
22 Study Visit Programme for the Assistants of Finance Department 21.06.2016
23 Induction for Assistants of Legislature Secretariat 25-7-2016 29-7-2016
24 Training for staff of Ministers  28-7-2016 30.07.2016
25 Training for Assistants of Government Secretariat (IMG) Attachment 22-8-2016 23-8-2016
26 CPST-UNICEF Initiative, Lecture programme on Emerging & Second Generation Issues of Child Rights in Kerala 23-8-2016 .
27 Meeting-Discussion on CPST Development Plan 22-9-2016 .
28 Meeting with University Union Representatives on Student Parliament 5-10-2016
29 Training Programme for MLAs on Legislative Assembly Interpellation System (LAIS) 25-10-2016 -
30 Meeting with University Union Representatives on Student Parliament 8-11-2016 --
31 Training programme for newly recruited Office Attendants 14-11-2016 15-11-2016
32 Training for MLAs-PRS Legislative Research, New Delhi 15-11-2016 17-11-2016
33 Discussion with students of colleges under University of Kerala on Student Parliament 22-11-2016 ---
34 Induction Training Programme for newly recruited Assistants 23-11-2016 28-11-2016
35 IMG Attachment training programme for newly recruited Assistants of Govt. Secretariat 29-11-2016 30-11-2016
36 Internship Programme for Law Students 1-12-2016 23-12-2016
37 Internship Programme for Law Students 13-12-2016 07-01-2017
38 Internship Programme for Law Students 22-12-2016 4-1-2017
39 Training Programme for participants of Student Parliament at Thiruvananthapuram 27-12-2016 -
40 Training Programme for participants of Student Parliament at Kozhikode 30-12-2016 -




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Certificate Course in Parliamentary Practice and Procedure


                Indian parliamentary democracy has no match in the world and democratic values are part and parcel of the life of the common man in India. A democratic parliament  will seek to foster a vibrant civil society and to work closely with it in finding solutions to problems facing the country and in improving the quality and relevance of legislation.  Informing citizens about the work of parliament is not just a concern for the fourth estate, but  a responsibility of parliaments themselves. The Open and Distance Learning System with its inherent flexibility and affordability has emerged as an important mode for providing education and awareness to various sections of the society in the present day educational scenario. Being the forerunner of many democratic innovations in India, the Kerala Legislative Assembly successfully conducts a Certificate Course in Parliamentary Practice and Procedure in the distance education stream to propagate the idea, principle, virtues, philosophy and practice of parliamentary democracy.


      ·        The Course shall be an awareness and learning programme designed for those who have no experience with parliamentary procedure and for those who are interested in learning parliamentary practices and procedure.

      ·        It shall be a basic level certificate course on parliamentary practice and procedure.

      ·        It shall be conducted run in distance education mode and shall include contact classes along with assignments and workshops.

      ·        The Course shall be managed, regulated, conducted and controlled by the CPST which was established as an integral division of the Secretariat of the Kerala Legislature.


      ·        Minimum qualification for applying for the Course will be a pass in Higher Secondary or   equivalent qualification as approved by the Universities in Kerala (Pre-Degree/Plus Two or equivalent).

      ·        Those who are awaiting results of the qualifying examinations are also eligible to apply.

      ·        Maximum number of seats shall ordinarily be 500 (Five hundred) for an academic session or as decided by the Governing Body for the Course.

      ·        Minimum number of students to commence a batch shall be 10 (Ten).

      ·        There shall be Admission fee and tuition fee for admission to the Course.

      ·        Admission will generally be open to all eligible candidates and there will be no age bar for admission to the course.


                A student shall be considered to have 'Registered' in the Course only if he/she remits the Examination fee and submits the Application for Examination on time. Registered Students can avail up to four consecutive chances for appearing for the Examination, without having to re-register. However, he/she will be required to pay exam fee every time he/she wishes to appear for exams within this period.



       Duration of the Course shall be six months.


      • Personal Contact Programmes (PCPs) shall ordinarily be arranged by the CPST to facilitate  interaction between the learners and subject experts, who give due academic counselling to the learners.
      • Contact class centers shall ordinarily be at Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam and Kozhikode or as decided by the CPST. Days (5-6 in total) of contact classes will be notified on the official website as well as via SMS to registered mobile numbers of learners.


                  Medium of instruction shall be English and Malayalam.


                  Unlike regular programmes this Distance Programme is self-paced and learner-centred. It will essentially be based on the supply of reading materials for home study by the learner.



                  Printed study materials are supplied to the learners. While these Self Learning Materials (SLMs) give the learners the required academic guidance, learners are advised to supplement their reading at home by thoroughly going through the books suggested for reading. Study materials for the Course shall be prepared and circulated by the CPST.


      • Examinations will be conducted at the end of the course and the centre of examination shall ordinarily be at Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam and Kozhikode.
      • Application for examination shall be made in the prescribed form along with the prescribed fees.
      • Medium of examination shall be English or Malayalam.
      • A minimum of 5 marks out of 10 (50%) is necessary for a pass in the internal assessment of each paper. However a total of 40% out of maximum 90 marks is necessary [ marks obtained for internal assessment (maximum 10) PLUS marks obtained for written examination (maximum 80)]  for a pass in each paper. A minimum of 20 marks out of 40 (50%) is necessary for a pass in viva voce, which will be considered separately.



                  Certificate shall be issued by and under the name and seal of the Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Training.

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  •  Handbook on Budget.

  •   Commission Report on Salary and Allowances to Members.

  •  Brief on CPST.

  •   Notes on Procedure in Financial Matters.

  •   Budget –Preparation ,Implementation and Control.

  •   Notes on Orientation Programme for Members.  

  •  Notes on different topics of Parliamentary Procedures



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Image Gallery


Seminar on 'GST' (07 August 2017)- photos
Diamond Jubilee Celebration– Kannur District (9, 10 & 11 of Sept. 2017) - Photos
Visit of Students from Govt. HSS, Edakkara
Visit of students from Shri Keralavarma College, Thrissur
Visit of students from Milad-e-Sherif Girls High School, Mynagapally
Visit of students from Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha
Niyamasabha Visit- Students from SD College, Alapuzha 31.10.2017- Photos.
Hon. Speaker announcing Media Awards 2017 - Photos
Diamond Jubilee Lecture Series-Second Lecture-Jairam Ramesh-Photos
Diamond Jubilee Lecture Series inauguration - 07.03.2017
Assembly Visit Program - Womens College - 22.02.2017
 Students Parliament Inauguration - 08.02.2017
CPST-UNICEF Initiative - Certificate Distribution Programme

'നിയമസഭയോടൊത്ത് ഒരു വേനലവധി' - Assembly visit programme for students on 14.05.2015

Contact Class at Kozhikode on November 8&9, 2014

Inter University Quiz Competition

Diamond Jubilee Lecture by DR.Tessy Thomas  

Diamond Jubilee Lecture by DR.Mohan Gopal

Seminar on Child Rights Governance

Workshop for Media Persons

125th Anniversary of Legislative Body –Commemorative Stamp Released

Inauguration of CPST Study Hall

Assembly Visit Programme for Students of Srichitra Home




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